New Businesses Are Natural Growth Targets For TeamLogic IT Franchises
Bringing peace of mind to new businesses and through managed IT services
Many entrepreneurs are deciding it’s a good time to open their own new businesses. That’s good news for TeamLogic IT technology franchise owners, who are ready to offer their services.
“Starting a business is overwhelming; there’s a lot to stay on top of,” says Lee Dye, Vice President of Franchise Support and Training and TeamLogic IT. “That’s why we spend a lot of time with new franchise owners in our ‘TeamLogic IT University’ to prepare them for a strong start, for instance. One headache new business owners don’t need? Unexpected trouble with their hardware, software, or cloud-computing setup. That’s why they are a perfect growth opportunity for their local TeamLogic IT franchise.”
Trusted partner vs. ‘on call’ vendor for troubleshooting
Small business owners want fast, reliable partners when they establish a vendor relationship. That’s especially true when it comes to IT support. If the computer system goes down, or there’s some other kind of issue, operations can be disrupted — along with the bottom line. The solution is a managed IT services contract with TeamLogic IT.
“A TeamLogic IT franchise is an IT franchise, a cybersecurity franchise, we wear a lot of hats,” Dye says. “That means wraparound, turnkey service if there’s a problem, as well as ongoing advice and recommendations for system upgrades, protection and more. With TeamLogic IT, a business has an experienced team looking out for their IT needs, and they love that.”
Reliable, monthly expense through managed IT services
Another huge plus? They set a predictable monthly fee for those comprehensive managed IT services. Business owners value an expense they can budget and see the value they are getting for that spend. Franchise owners love it as well, because it gives them a predictable income stream they can use for budgeting.
“Nobody running a business, be it one of our franchise partners or one of their customers, likes surprises,” Dye says. “A TeamLogic IT managed IT services contract removes all the guesswork. It’s why those make up a significant portion of each franchise owner’s total revenue, and why they have become easier to market and sell over the years. Simply put, it’s a great deal for everybody.”
TeamLogic IT is the technology franchise small and medium-sized businesses increasingly rely on for turnkey support. TeamLogic IT’s managed IT services contracts give clients peace of mind around their technology needs, and provide franchise owners with a steady, predictable revenue stream. The company now serves a wide and growing variety of clients in every business sector, from tourism and hospitality to healthcare, legal and accounting. TeamLogic IT has grown to over 250 locations around North America and continues to expand in both new and existing markets.
Learn more about a TeamLogic IT franchise
For in-depth details about the TeamLogic IT franchise opportunity, please fill out our form here. Our dedicated franchise team will be in touch to start a conversation and share our complimentary Franchise Information Report. You can also learn more by visiting our research pages here.